A "supermoon" is a term used to describe a full moon that appears larger and brighter in the sky than a typical full moon. This phenomenon occurs when the moon reaches its closest point to Earth in its elliptical orbit, known as the perigee. During a supermoon, the moon can be up to 14% larger in apparent size and up to 30% brighter than when it is at its farthest point from Earth, known as the apogee.

Supermoons are not an uncommon occurrence, and they happen a few times throughout the year. The term "supermoon" gained popularity in recent years due to increased public interest and media coverage of astronomical events. It's worth noting that while supermoons appear visually striking, the difference in size and brightness compared to a regular full moon can be challenging to notice with the naked eye.

The concept of a supermoon is purely based on the moon's apparent size and brightness from our vantage point on Earth. Astronomers use the term "perigee-syzygy" to describe the alignment of the moon at its closest point to Earth (perigee) with the Earth and the sun (syzygy), which results in a full moon that appears larger and brighter than usual.

Supermoons provide great opportunities for photographers and skywatchers to capture beautiful shots of the moon, especially when it rises or sets on the horizon. If you're interested in observing a supermoon, it's good to keep an eye on astronomy websites or apps that provide information about upcoming celestial events to know when the next one will occur in your area.

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